01. In my room

You don't have to read this but I'd do it

I'm glad that you decided to read whatever I've wrote. Please, if you're suffering or you feel alone, talk with me. It doesn't matter if we don't know each other; sometimes strangers are the best company. Again, please, talk to me (or to someone else) but don't save it for yourself. Ask for help, we're here for you,,

02. SELFISH (ft. Seulgi of Red Velvet)

My loves


Mara, la estrellita de mis ojos, la nena que me hace sonreír todos los días y sin la que no sabría vivir. Gracias por todo. Te adoro,,


Mag, mi cielito. Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado, de verdad que no se qué haría sin ti. Te quiero con locura. Gracias por existir,,

03. 구차해 (Love & Hate) - Acoustic version

Thanks to Moon Byulyi

Who inspires me the most. The girl that showed me who I really am and how to express myself, thanks to her passion for music. My role model, who has helped me to be better every day. Who has made me love myself. Thanks for being you. I love you.